Next 200 High-Frequency Word Flashcards
The ‘Next 200 High-Frequency Word Flashcards’ follow on from the ‘First 100 High-Frequency Flashcards’. All children should learn the first 100 first, followed by the next 200 words. The combination of the first 300 high-frequency words make up 65% of all printed words and are essential to learn. Monster Phonics helps children to learn these words more quickly through colour-coding to highlight the link between spelling and sound. This also enables children to learn many similar words at once (e.g. snow, grow, know, soon, room, food). Have fun and play flashcard games or use with our matching colour-coded magnetic letters. Alternatively, use this cards to create your own versions using artistic media, to make learning easy.
Our double-sided flashcards show the colour-coded word on one side and plain text on the other. Our cost-effective flashcards are great for schools and for parents wanting to support their children in learning these important words at home.